A patient perspective on information provision during the care path of Lentigo Maligna

Patients sometimes experience complex diagnostic and treatment procedures. During these processes, they need to rely on the information provided by the care providers. In particular, if they would like to play an active role in the shared decision-making process, it is important that this information is accessible, complete and understandable. A patient with Lentigo Maligna on the nose has been followed during the process of diagnosis, shared decision-making and treatment. Using the autoethnographical methodology, it was evaluated which sources of information available to the patient contributed to a better understanding, a more active role in the treatment process and a positive experience. Possible improvements are suggested.

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Aandoening Huidkanker Kanker Lentigo Maligna
Auteur Clemens van Eijk Jan Hazelzet Louis P. Ter Meer Marleen de Mul
Jaar 2022
Perspectief Andere Gezondheidszorg
Publicatie type Artikel Publicatie
Thema Shared decision making


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