Art in a Caring Society: An Autoethnographic Narrative

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently recognized the significance of expressing experiences through artistic expression in promoting health and wellbeing. Artistic expression allows individuals to also articulate their feelings and concerns nonverbally. Creating and experiencing art has been a significant aspect of my life throughout my struggles with multiple chronic illnesses. I create art for selfcare, and to comprehend and capture my emotions nonverbally. Through narrative and reflection on various experiences, I delve into the meaning of art and artistic expression in my personal life and within the context of a caring society. Additionally, my work includes creating drawings and images for others, providing comfort and support, and attending to their needs during difficult times. Creating art with others establishes a meaningful and creatively challenging connection, fostering joy and enabling contact without words about what resonates with us. Creating art with others and sharing this process with distant others in public spaces promotes solidarity and trust, two cornerstones of a caring society, in line with Joan Tronto’s definition of care. Actively promoting access to artistic expression and exchange, particularly in a care context, is a valuable strategy for fostering a caring society that acknowledges the realm of the experiential beyond words.

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Auteur Truus Teunissen
Jaar 2024
Publicatie type Artikel Publicatie



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