Different views on collaboration between older persons, informal caregivers and care professionals

Informal care features high on the policy agenda of many countries todeal with workforce shortages. As a consequence, care provision increasingly takesplace in the care triad of care recipients, informal caregivers and care professionals.How collaboration between care partners takes shape depends on how the differentpartners perceive this collaboration. This paper aims to investigate the relativeimportance of the different aspects of collaboration from the perspectives of carerecipients, informal caregivers and care professionals in the context of the care forolder persons in The Netherlands.

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Auteur Hester van de Bovenkamp Job van Exel Leonoor Gräler Teyler van Muijden Violet Petit‐Steeghs
Jaar 2024
Publicatie type Publicatie
Thema Mantelzorg
Uitgever Health Expectations


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