Informal caregivers and the impact of experienced burdens on their social participation

[Master Thesis]

This research aims to enhance the existing literature on the experienced burdens and social participation of informal caregivers of individuals with ABI through book analysis. By examining narratives from family members of people with ABI, the study seeks to discover detailed insights into the burdens these informal caregivers might experience and the impact of these burdens on their social participation. This approach will help identify the frictions arising from their experienced burdens, how these burdens impact their social participation, and how the current appropriate care framework could be optimized. The findings may lead to recommendations to inform policy makers of the appropriate care framework to better support informal caregivers. Without adequate guidelines to support informal caregivers provided in the appropriate care framework informal caregivers of individuals with ABI might experience higher levels of caregiver burden and reduced perceived social participation. Thereby compromising the sustainability of the healthcare system and the wellbeing of those they care for.

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Auteur A.M. Boers
Jaar 2024
Publicatie type Scriptie
Thema Coping Mantelzorg Zorgbelasting


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