Literature Arts and Medicine Database

The Literature, Arts, &amp Medicine Database is an annotated multimedia listing of prose, poetry, film, video and art that was developed to be a dynamic, accessible, comprehensive resource for teaching and research in medical humanities, and for use in healthpre-health, graduate and undergraduate liberal arts and social science settings. It is a multi-institutional project (see  Editorial Board) that was initiated by faculty of the New York University School of Medicine,  Felice Aull,  Martin Nachbar,  Karen Brewer programming specialist Roy Smith and then-medical student Irene Chen, 96. Felice Aull retired as editor-in-chief in January, 2011 and is now editor emerita. Lucy Bruell took over as editor-in-chief September 1, 2011. The on-line database began in Gopher Internet format in the summer of 1993 and was converted to Web format in 1994 by Martin Nachbar and Roy Smith. In 2006 Yoo Kyung Chang, Eunbong Sohn and William Holloway re-designed the database to a dynamic Web format.

Aandoening Chronisch ziek Lichamelijke handicaps Ziekte (algemeen)
Perspectief Andere Gezondheidszorg
Publicatie type Website
Thema Educatief Emoties Geestelijke gezondheidszorg Informatief


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