[Psychosis as a way to become a full human being]
The psychoses were not the disturbance. They were the attempt of my soul to heal this
Wings is an accessible story of personal experience, in which the author takes you on a journey
with psychosis and spirituality. In her psychoses there were clues that exactly the contact with
the spiritual world helped her on her way to recover from trauma and a dysfunctional
familysystem. Without presenting this as an ultimate truth, she searched her way with past life
memories, trauma memories and trying to discern between delusion and spiritual experience.
She hopes this book will give space to others experiencing psychosis to share their experiences.
Aandoening Psychose Auteur José Hoekstra ISBN 9789464897166 Jaar 2023 Perspectief Patiënt Publicatie type Boek Thema Coping Familieverhoudingen Persoonlijke relaties Spiritualiteit Uitgever Boekscout