Flexuosities of Life

A debut compendium of Poetry vol. 1

Covertekst: A collection of poems that rose from the ashes of her harried heart and soul: illustrating her bizarre ways to vent the tumultuous time in her life- the double whammies: divorce and breast cancer at the same time. Writing poems helps her palliate pain while releasing the burdens of despair. In short her poems show honesty, bravery, directness and pristine.

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Aandoening Borstkanker
Thema Coping
Perspectief Andere Gezondheidszorg
Auteur Leah Cabael Yodico
ISBN 9789082616545
Jaar 2018
OCLC 1091630272 (link naar de bibliotheek)
Publicatie type Boek


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